Sustainability, Green Jobs, and EarthXDesign

Participating fully in the future of work requires developing skills related to green jobs. 

Project Description

Participating fully in the future of work requires developing skills related to green jobs. As existing jobs become greener and new green jobs emerge, the workforce will need skills related to understanding complexity, innovation, and problem-finding and -solving. We are developing an inventory of green jobs skills by researching relevant component skills, vetting the inventory with practitioners in Workforce Development, and engaging in a testing and validation study with learners ages 16-24.


  • Beyond Design Thinking: High-Leverage, Earth-Resonant Moves for Green Innovation
    This learning module looks at how the Next Level Learning Team is bringing together high leverage practices from innovation, creativity, design, and engineering that focus specifically on climate and green jobs and shares progress to date.

  • Educating for Sustainable Development: What Will It Take?
    This slide deck was presented as part of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) panel at the China Education Symposium (CES). This special event focused on how to empower ESD in light of global climate change and China’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. 
  • Screenshot of video. Tina Grotzer is pictured sitting at a classroom table with the title "Teaching Climate Change in Classrooms" overlaid.
    Teaching Climate Change
    This video provides an overview of Teaching Climate Change, an intensive January Term course taught by Dr. Tina Grotzer. The course invites educators to consider how they can best support young people as they navigate between anxiety/despair and hope/action when they think about climate change.


  • Thinking Like an Earthling: A New Publication from Tina Grotzer and Lynneth Solis

    Tina Grotzer and Lynneth Solis (Senior Research Associate, WestEd) recently published a paper in a special issue of the journal Topics in Cognitive Science focused on conceptual foundations of sustainability. The article — titled “Thinking like an Earthling: Children’s Reasoning About Individual and Collective Action Related to Environmental Sustainability” — considers themes that arise from…Continue…

  • Workshop Materials Available from the Project Zero Classroom Summer Institute

    Recently, Tina Grotzer and Lydia Cao presented at the Project Zero Classroom (PZC) Summer Institute. The PZC draws educators from all over the world to Cambridge to spend a week learning about emerging ideas to support the best learning and performance. This year, Grotzer gave a plenary session on educating for climate change. She stressed…Continue…

  • Developing Critical Hope: A Necessary Component for an Environmentally Conscious Workforce

    In a newly released brief, Alyssa Gandolph and Isabella Capeci define critical hope, make a case for its importance in workforce development, and point to some key processes that help cultivate the disposition….Continue Reading Developing Critical Hope: A Necessary Component for an Environmentally Conscious Workforce