Academic Publications
Thinking like an Earthling: Children’s Reasoning About Individual and Collective Action Related to Environmental Sustainability
Addressing Emotions and Beliefs for Vulnerable Jobseekers with Virtual Reality
Informing Pedagogies for Apprenticeship in a Complex and Modern World
Learning Like “Fast Fish”: A Research Review on the Promise of Contextualized Agency
Leveraging the Power of Metacognition and Contextualized Agency for Workplace Learning
Research Briefs
Applying Learning Sciences Research to Learning and Workforce Development for Next Level Learning Brief Series
Powerful Ideas in Applying Learning Sciences, Cognitive Sciences, and Neuroscience to Workforce DevelopmentBrief 1
How Fast Fish Sink or Swim: Adopting an Agentive View of LearnersBrief 2
Why Dispositions Matter for the Workforce in Turbulent, Uncertain TimesBrief 3
Developing Adaptive Expertise for Navigating New Terrain: An Essential Element of Success in Learning and the WorkplaceBrief 4
How Next Level Learning Enables A More Powerful Vision for TransferBrief 5
Intelligence Augmentation: Upskilling Humans to Complement AIBrief 6
Next Level Learning Environments for Next Level Work: Applying the Learning Sciences to Technology-Enabled Training
Additional Briefs
The Power of Awe at Work: How Moments of Awe Can Engage, Motivate, and Sustain Employees in the Workforce Development Profession
Navigating A World of Generative AI: Suggestions for Educators
Developing Critical Hope: A Necessary Component for an Environmentally Conscious Workforce
EarthXDesign for a Sustainable World: Moving from Human-Centered to Earth-Centered Design
Practitioner-Facing Articles and Blog Posts
From our Teaching Times series on Next Level Learning:
What is Next Level Learning and Why does it Matter?
From Engaged to Agentive: Why is it Time to Raise Learning to the Next Level?
Leveraging Epistemic Emotions to Cultivate Intrinsic Motivation
Deeper Learning Towards What?: The Nature of Deep Understanding
Preparing Students to Augment Artificial Intelligence Rather than to be Replaced by Machine Learning
Dripping Water Wears Through Stones: Small Changes to Bring Your Teaching to the Next Level
The Icing on the Cake: How Metacognition Enhances Learning
Leveraging Learners’ Agency for Enhancing the Process of Feedback
Other Articles
AI Isn’t Coming for us Just Yet: What Humans Bring to the AI EquationWhat’s Missing from a Skills-Only Approach to Workforce Development?
The Human Centered Future of Work(force Development)Between Skills and Success: Developing Workers’ Dispositions for Applying Skills in an Uncertain, Disruptive World
Skills Are Not Enough: Developing Workers’ Dispositions to Succeed in an Uncertain, Disruptive World
Making Lemonade from Lemons: Pandemic-Driven Improvements in Workforce Instruction and Training