Beyond Design Thinking: High-Leverage, Earth-Resonant Moves for Green Innovation

This module is motivated by a key question, “How is Green Design Thinking Different from Design Thinking in General?” There is a long and growing literature in design thinking and the field has offered variations of design skills such as a suite of higher-order skills developed by researchers at the Stanford Design Library that contribute to effective design thinking. This includes attitudinal perspectives such as embracing ambiguity, synthesizing information, and rapid experimentation. The broader research underscores the teachability of these skills and the promise of design-thinking strategies for improving problem solving. It echoes earlier research on the teaching of thinking in that it most benefits learners who struggle. However, the research on design thinking and creativity is not well-integrated with what we know about innovation related to the climate. This video below, from NLL Faculty Director Dr. Tina Grotzer, looks at how the Next Level Learning Team is bringing together high leverage practices from innovation, creativity, design, and engineering that focus specifically on climate and green jobs and shares progress to date.

This work was developed through the Next Level Lab: Applying Cognitive Science for Access, Innovation, and Mastery (AIM) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education with funding from Accenture Corporate Citizenship. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funder.