Informing Pedagogies for Apprenticeship in a Complex and Modern World 


Ensuring that young people and adults have opportunities to develop the right digital skills is crucial in avoiding skills shortages and fostering productivity. Apprenticeship can help develop the right skills for the digital transition and can also benefit from the introduction of digital technologies in its delivery. Last year, the Next Level Lab presented research on a joint Cedefop/OECD symposium exploring Apprenticeships and the digital transition. A new report stemming from this symposium has now been published, featuring a chapter from NLL researcher Tessa Forshaw along with Accenture colleagues Mary Kate Morley Ryan, Beca Driscoll, and Maggie Lorenz. The chapter investigates the experiences of participants in an existing modern apprenticeship program and proposes a framework for a more powerful and research-based pedagogy of modern apprenticeship.