Month: April 2023

Dr. Eileen McGivney Wins AERA Graduate Student Research Excellence Award

NLL Researcher Dr. Eileen McGivney recently received the Graduate Student Research Excellence Award from the Learning and Instruction Division of the American Educational Research Association. Dr. McGivney successfully defended her dissertation earlier this month, with Dr. Chris Dede and Dr. Tina Grotzer serving on her committee along with Dr. Jeremy Bailenson of Stanford University. Dr….Continue Reading Dr. Eileen McGivney Wins AERA Graduate Student Research Excellence Award

EarthXDesign for a Sustainable World: Moving from Human-Centered to Earth-Centered Design

In celebration of Earth Day, we are pleased to share a new piece from NLL Faculty Director Dr. Tina Grotzer and Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Lydia Cao: EarthXDesign for a Sustainable World: Moving from Human-Centered to Earth-Centered Design. In this piece, Grotzer and Cao argue that while Human-Centered Design may be helpful in terms of getting…Continue Reading EarthXDesign for a Sustainable World: Moving from Human-Centered to Earth-Centered Design

Introducing EarthXDesign to the UX Design Community

On Sunday, April 2nd, Next Level Lab Faculty Director Dr. Tina Grotzer presented the concept of EarthXDesign at the CareXDesign Conference at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.  The yearly conference draws leaders in the field of Human-Centered Design, including in this year’s slate of speakers, Kathleen Brandenburg of IA Collaborative, Juhan Sonin of GoInvo…Continue Reading Introducing EarthXDesign to the UX Design Community