Month: February 2023

interlocking honeycomb pattern

Dr. Sarah Dryden-Peterson

On February 15th, 2023, the Next Level Lab hosted a presentation by Dr. Sarah Dryden-Peterson, Associate Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Founder and Director of Refugee Reach, which engages in research, education and action to support communities and quality education in settings of migration and displacement around the globe. Next Level…Continue Reading Dr. Sarah Dryden-Peterson

Educating in a World of Artificial Intelligence

NLL Senior Researcher Chris Dede recently appeared on an episode of the Harvard EdCast to talk about how education needs to get smarter to work with artificial intelligence. You can listen to the recording and view the transcript here:…Continue Reading Educating in a World of Artificial Intelligence

Steven Isaacs and Benjamin Kelly

On February 8th, 2023, the Next Level Lab hosted a presentation by Steven Isaacs, Education Program Manager with Epic Games, and Benjamin (Ben) Kelly, Educator with Anglophone East School District in New Brunswick, Canada. Faculty Director of the Next Level Lab, Dr. Tina Grotzer, situated Steven and Benjamin’s presentation in larger discussions of climate and…Continue Reading Steven Isaacs and Benjamin Kelly